Something Smells

I ran across a story today about a ham that was accused of doing some not very nice things on the air. I am in no position to accuse this guy or defend him, but I do have some quick off the cuff thoughts that the article doesn't answer:

  • Why 10+ years to solve this?
  • So the guy is required to travel all the way from California to Washington D.C.? Really? I can see meeting at the FCC offices in Los Angeles or San Francisco, but D.C.???? That's a pretty significant cost outlay for most people. In the article is says "Crowell invoked financial hardship rules, but Sippel said those would not apply in an Amateur Radio case."  Good to know!!!! But why?
  • If the DOJ refused to prosecute, why is the FCC coming down so heavy handed? 
  • He was fined $25K in 2016, once again, 10ish years after the allegations? Does this fine still apply?
  • For certain I agree with the FCC that one cannot do or say anything they want on the radio waves because of the 1st Amendment.... A bit of a stretch Mr. Crowell.....
  • I am no lawyer nor am I an expert on Due Process, but 10 years is ridiculous. 2 - 3 years I can live with but after that people are gone, moved, dead, & forgetful.